Publication Support Services

Let our expert publication specialists make your manuscript irresistible to high impact factor international research journals!

You may have spent months or even years of painstaking research, controlled studies, and data collection. And now you’ve finally completed writing a draft of your manuscript—congratulations! However, that’s only the first step to getting published in a reputable international journal. Despite the relevance of your subject matter, there are numerous factors that influence whether your paper is accepted or rejected by your target publications.

Place your completed medical, academic, or scientific manuscript in our capable hands to give it the best opportunity of being accepted by prestigious international research journals. Beyond lingual translations, PA Localisation offers premium, end-to-end publication support, from comprehensive editing to detailed formatting to journal selection. Whether you’re a physician reporting on clinical trials or a scientist researching a new discovery, you can rely on us for the highest-quality publication support services.

Scientific Editing & Translation

From our elite network of global publication experts, you will be assigned an editor who has advanced academic qualifications in your specialised subject area, along with 15+ years of experience and a proven command of its related technical, medical, or scientific terminology. Most of our accomplished editors have served as peer reviewers for leading research journals. They will thoroughly assess your manuscript and make the necessary improvements at every stage to end up with a concise, persuasive, publishable paper:


  1. Developmental editing for overall organisation, logic, data relevance, precision, and clarity of the evidence supporting your thesis.
  2. Deep line-by-line copy editing to ensure the most effective paragraph progression, sentence structure, style consistency, and language formality.
  3. Corroboration of references, accuracy of terminology, and plagiarism check.
  4. Proofreading to find and correct grammatical and typographical errors.

All editing services are provided in English by native speakers with a PhD or Master’s degree in your field from highly-regarded universities. Upon completion, your manuscript can subsequently be translated into any required language for foreign journal submissions.

Document Formatting

Each individual journal has its own formatting and reference guidelines, so it is vitally important to match their requirements when submitting a paper to avoid rejection on a technicality. Our experts are proficient in satisfying the diverse layout and style criteria of many of the world’s leading journals, including JAMA, Elsevier (The Lancet and other publications), NEJM, British Medical Journal, Nature, Science, SCI, PNAS, and others.

  • We will format your manuscript correctly for submission to every target journal, from the abstract to footnoted citations and references, and everything in between.
  • Our experienced professionals ensure that your paper adheres to each publication’s preferred reference and style guide, whether ICMJE, AMA, IEEE, MLA, APA, ACS, Chicago, Harvard, or Vancouver.
  • We may suggest supplemental references based on additional research from global citation/journal databases like PubMed, SpringerLink, and Wiley Online Library.
  • Formatting services include the development of a compelling, customised cover letter to journal editors for each submission that summarizes your research and communicates why your paper is a good match for their publication.
  • Our experts can also manage all revisions required from a reviewer’s manuscript check and write a point-by-point response letter that addresses their concerns.


Target Journal Selection

If you are overwhelmed by all the journal options, let us narrow down the search on your behalf to optimise the potential for publication. Because our academic review professionals have years of acquired knowledge in their respective fields, they are able to provide wise counsel on the most appropriate international journals for submission, based on your particular research and requirements. They will shortlist the best target options for your manuscript, taking into account aspects such as:


  • Topical relevance in the field of study
  • Tesearch subject significance
  • Scope of study
  • Target publications’ focus
  • Impact factor (according to Journal Citation Reports, SJR, SNIP, etc.)
  • Other key criteria

Let PA Localisation prepare your manuscript for research journal submissions.

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We stay on top of our industry by being experts in yours.
